2024 Volume 6 No. 2

Russian Literature of the 18th–19th Centuries


Кsenia А. Potashova.
“Glass of Optics” as a Means of Understanding the World in the Poem by G. R. Derzhavin “To Eugene. Life in Zvanka”

Valeria G. Andreeva.
“Katkov... Is Just Right for the Public”: Correspondence Between L. N. Tolstoy and M. N. Katkov in the 1850s–1860s

Igor I. Evlampiev.
The Genesis of L. N. Tolstoy’s Ideas About Individual Immortality in the Context of His Perception of the Philosophical Ideas of I. G. Herder and A. Schopenhauer

Natalia N. Smirnova.
Fragmentation and Defamiliarization as a Process: V. B. Shklovsky Rereads L. N. Tolstoy

Irina A. Belyaeva.
Russian Reflections of the Story of Belakva: Tentetnikov, Oblomov, Lavretsky

Tatiana G. Dubinina. 
“Only by It... Life Holds and Moves”: The Theme of Parental Love in I. S. Turgenev’s Works

Mariia V. Mikhnovets.
“The Other” Orthodox in F. M. Dostoevsky’s Geopolitical Worldview: The Christian Caucasus and the Greeks

Elena A. Kopytova.
L. V. Garelina’s Dramatic Experiments in the Context of “Big” Literature

Alexey V. Svyatoslavsky, Nguyen Thi Thu Ngan.
Сategory of Nationality of Literature as a Subject of Comprehension in the History of Russian Criticism of the 19th Century


Textual Criticism. Source Study


Marina I. Shcherbakova. 
St. Feofan’s Letters to N. I. Kugusheva and Her Daughters in 1881‒1883

Aleksandra V. Toichkina. 
N. V. Gogol as an Artist and Thinker in the Works


Scientific Life 


Dmitrii N. Khristenko.
“Double-Voice” and the Dynamics of National Identity in Russian and African-American Literature