
at the meeting of the journalistic staff

of the media outlet –

the online periodical

(scientific journal) Two Centuries of the

Russian Classics

Minutes N 1 as of April « 22 »   2019



Director of the federal

state budgetary

scientific institution "A.M. Gorky

Institute of World Literature"

of the Russian Academy of Sciences

V.V. Polonsky

April « 22 »   2019




of the media outlet – the online periodical (scientific journal)

Two Centuries of the Russian Classics

    Moscow                                                                                           April « 22 »   2019


1. General provisions

1.1. The editorial board of the online periodical (scientific journal) Two Centuries of the Russian Classics (hereinafter referred to as the "Editorial Board") is professionally independent and in accordance with the Russian Federation Law 2124-1 "On Mass Media" as of December 27, 1991 (hereinafter referred to as the Media Law), it produces and issues the mass media – the online periodical (scientific journal) Two Centuries of the Russian Classics (hereinafter referred to as the "MM").

1.2. The federal state budgetary scientific institution "A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature" of the Russian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the "Founder") is the Founder of the MM.

1.3. The Editorial Board is not a legal entity; rather, it belongs to the structural units of the Founder; it therefore has no independent balance sheet, or a current account, or other bank details, nor has it its own seals or stamps; nor separate property.

1.4. The management of the Editorial Board shall be in accordance with these Articles, the Statutes and local normative acts of the Founder.

1.5. The activities of the Editorial Board shall be financed by the Founder in accordance with the procedure established by these Articles, the Statutes and local normative acts of the Founder.

1.6. For obligations which are the result of the activities of the Editorial Board, the Founder shall dispose of all property under its operational control, both assigned by the owner and acquired from income derived from income-producing activities, except for immovable property and especially valuable movable property; it shall act as plaintiff or defendant in court.

1.7. The full official name of the Editorial Board is the Editorial Board of the mass media – online periodical (scientific journal) Two Centuries of the Russian Classics. The acronym is the Editorial Board of the journal Two Centuries of the Russian Classics.

1.8. Whereabouts (address) of the Editorial Board: 25a Povarskaya St., 121069 Moscow, Russia.

Editorial email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.9. The Editorial Board carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the present Articles, the Statutes and local normative acts of the Founder.


2. Aims, objectives and lines of action of the Editorial Board

2.1. The aims of the Editorial Board include:

- production and output of the MM in accordance with the themes declared by the Founder;

- ensuring the cultural, educational, scientific and cognitive and upbringing functions of the MM;

- affirmation of universal values, scientific and educational and cultural progress in the public consciousness.

2.2. The main tasks of the Editorial Board include:

- searching for information, obtaining it;

- preparation of scientific typescripts for publication (editing, proofreading);

- timely preparation and production of the MM, ensuring a high level of professionalism in the articles published;

- comprehensive and objective coverage of the main results of the scientific work of the Founder, as well as original investigations into Russian literature from the 18th to 19th centuries.

2.3. The activities of the Editorial Board include:

- the MM production and output;

- information and consulting activity.


3. Rights and duties of the Founder

3.1. The founder has the right to:

- assertion of the articles of association of the Editorial Board;

- adopting amendments to the Articles of association of the Editorial Board and its addenda;

- termination or suspension of the MM in the cases and according to the procedures laid down in these Articles;

- determining the language, subject matter and specialization of the MM, its frequency and volume, territory and form of the MM distribution;

- changing the MM subject matter and specialisation, language, name, form or territory of distribution, frequency, volume and circulation in accordance with the established procedure;

- placing a communication and materials on its (the Founder’s) behalf (as per the Founder's application) free of charge and at a time specified by it;

- control of the compliance of the Editorial Board’s activities with the provisions of the law, these Articles and other documents of the Founder, as well as control over the compliance of the MM themes and specialisation, language, periodicity and volume;

- acting as the MM publisher, distributor;

-  setting prices and tariffs for products sold (tariffs for paid services);

- appointment and dismissal of the Editor-in-Chief and other staff members of the Editorial Board in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation currently in force;

- employment of staff on the basis of civil law contracts;

- determining the number of the Editorial Board employees hired under employment contracts and civil law contracts;

- exercising general management of the work of the Editorial Board.

3.2. The Founder is obliged to:

    - comply with the provisions of these Articles;

    - not interfere in the professional activities of the Editorial Board, except in the cases provided for by law, by these Articles;

    - provide logistical equipment for the Editorial Board and its funding;

    - contribute to the work and promote the activities of the Editorial Board;

    - provide the Editorial Board with information necessary for the fulfilment of the tasks provided for in these Articles.

3.3. The Founder shall not interfere with the activities of the Editorial Board, unless one of the following occurs:

- the production and release of the MM is not in accordance with the publication deadlines or in breach of the requirements of current legislation in the Russian Federation, the present Articles and the decisions of the Founder taken within the limits of its competence;

- underperformance.

In such cases, the Founder reserves the right to terminate or suspend the operation of the MM independently.


4. Rights and duties of the Editorial Board

4.1. The Editorial Board has the right to:

- plan its activities within the framework of the themes, specialisation and focus of the MM approved by the Founder, and decide on its content and artwork;

- carry out contractual relations with authors in accordance with established procedures;

- engage artists and technicians not on the staff of the Editorial Board to carry out individual assignments;

- correspond with the MM readers in accordance with the established procedure and take account of their interests and suggestions;

- render information and advisory and editorial services

- request information on the activities of state bodies and organisations, public associations and their officials, and receive answers to these requests in accordance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation;

- refer articles for peer review and, if necessary, for additional review;

- reject articles submitted for publication if they do not meet the requirements of current legislation, local regulations of the Founder;

- interact with other structural units of the Founder and outside organisations in accordance with the objectives and tasks of the Editorial Board.

4.2. The Editorial Board r is obliged to:

- ensure a high level of content, scholarship, artistry and professionalism in publications;

- prepare print materials in accordance with the requirements of standards, specifications, other regulations and contracts with the print shop, print distributors and other organisations;

- ensure compliance with approved production schedules;

- publish the Founder's statements in full and within the time limits specified by the Founder;

- safeguard the property, equipment and other tangible assets, placed at its disposal, and treat all of the above with care;

- when organising its activities, comply, in a proper manner, with all the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation applying to the media.


5. Property and financial relations between the Founder and the Editorial Board

5.1. The property used by the Editorial Board is an integral part of the property of the Founder.

5.2. Monetary resources necessary for the production and publication of the MM are allocated by the Founder in accordance with the estimate of editorial costs as proposed by the Editor-in-Chief.

5.3. The procedure for production, placement and distribution of advertising in the MM is determined by the Founder in accordance with the rules established by the legislation in force.

5.4. The profits arising from the activities of the Editorial Board are the property of the Founder and are used by it to reimburse the material costs of the MM production and output, in order to make obligatory payments and deductions and for other purposes in accordance with the Articles of Association and other local regulations of the Founder.


6. Editorial management

6.1. It is the management bodies of the Founder and the Editor-in-Chief within the limits of its competence, set out in these Articles, the Statutes and local normative acts of the Founder, that administer the Editorial Board.

6.2. The management bodies of the Founder shall, within the limits of their competence, set out in the Articles of Association and the local regulations of the Founder, decide on the following issues relating to the activities of the Editorial Board:

- defining the main activities of the Editorial Board;

- creation and elimination of the journal’s headings;

- making decisions about advertising in the MM;

- approval and dismissal of the Editor-in-Chief and conclusion of a contract with it, where the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief are defined;

- approval of the Editor-in-Chief's annual reports on the activities of the Editorial Board and on the use of the funds and property allocated to the Editorial Board;

- decisions on the hiring and dismissal of employees of the Editorial Board, conclusion of employment and other contracts with journalists and other employees of the Editorial Board;

- allocating necessary financial and material resources for production and release of the MM approval of the cost estimates of the Editorial Board;

- exercise other powers in accordance with the Founder's Articles of Association.

6.3. The Editor-in-Chief manages the day-to-day activities of the Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is guided in its activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by these Articles and local regulations of the Founder. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for fulfilling the requirements that are imposed on the activities of the media by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. The Editor-in-Chief manages the Editorial Board within the limits of its competence on the basis of the principle of sole authority and independently decides all issues related to the activities of the Editorial Board, with the exception of the issues attributed to the competence of the management bodies of the Founder by the present Articles.

6.5. The Editor-in-Chief may delegate some of its powers to its deputy. In the Editor-in-Chief's temporary absence, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief can take over the duties of the Editor-in-Chief by order of the latter.

6.6. The Editor-in-Chief:

- represents the interests of the Editorial Board in relations with the Founder, publisher, distributor, enterprises, institutions, organisations, public authorities, as well as in court;

- organises the work of the Editorial Board, issues orders and gives instructions binding on the employees of the Editorial Board;

- assigns duties to the staff of the Editorial Board;

- decides on the formation of the Editorial Board and the editorial council and on their dissolution, approves the members of the Editorial Board (editorial council);

- approves the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, journalists and other contributors;

- signs each issue of the MM in its own hand before the release;

- decides on other matters within its competence under these Articles of Association, as well as the Articles of Association and other local statutory acts of the Founder. The Editor-in-Chief, as well as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, have the rights and perform the duties in accordance with the job descriptions approved by the Founder.

6.7. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to form the MM Editorial Board by approving its regulation. Decisions of the Editorial Board are of an advisory nature.

6.8. The composition of the Editorial Board is approved by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief are members of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is convened by the Editor-in-Chief as necessary to discuss issues that are production-related and media-related. The Editor-in-Chief chairs the meetings of the Editorial Board.

6.9. The agenda is determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The members of the Editorial Board have the right to request additional items to be included on the agenda. This request may be made both before and during the meeting of the Editorial Board.

6.10. A meeting of the Editorial Board shall be competent if more than half of the members of the Editorial Board, including the Editor-in-Chief, are present. Decisions are taken by a simple majority vote of the members present and approved by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief is not obliged to give reasons for not approving the decision of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board shall not discuss or decide on matters within the competence of the management bodies of the Founder in these Articles.


7. Powers of the journalistic team

7.1. The journalistic team consists of individuals who edit (literarily, scientifically, artistically, technically), create, collect or prepare reports and materials (text and illustration) for the MM.

7.2. The journalistic team takes part in the development and preparation of editorial plans, participates in the activities of the Editorial Board and makes proposals to improve the quality of the MM and to speed up the editorial and publishing process to the management of the Editorial Board. The journalistic team adopts the Articles of Association of the Editorial Board subject to the approval of the Founder.

7.3. The journalistic team exercises its rights at its general meeting.

A meeting of the journalistic team is competent if at least two-thirds of the members of the collective are present. Decisions are taken by a simple majority vote of the journalistic team’s members present.

7.4. A meeting of the journalistic team elects a chairperson to preside over the meeting, and a secretary to draw up the minutes of the meeting, from among its members. Minutes shall be taken at each meeting of the journalistic team. All decisions of the team meeting shall be recorded in the minutes. The minutes shall be signed by the chairperson and the secretary of the meeting.

7.5. A meeting of the journalistic team shall not have the right to discuss or make decisions on matters not within its competence under these Articles.


8. Grounds and procedure for termination and suspension of the media outlet

8.1. The MM may be terminated or suspended only by decision of the Founder or a court (in the latter case, through civil proceedings at the suit of the registration authority).

8.2. The Founder has the right to terminate or suspend the MM in the following cases:

- The Editorial Board violated media legislation, journalistic ethics or the present Articles of Association for the second time after it had received a warning from the Founder;

- The founder has lost the ability to fund the MM;

- the production and release of the MM is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Founder. The decision to terminate or suspend the activities of the MM is made by the Founder after consultation with the management bodies of the Editorial Board.

8.3. In the event of a decision by the Founder to discontinue the media outlet, the Founder reserves the right to resume publication of the media outlet under the same name.

8.4. A decision by the Founder to terminate the activities of the MM shall invalidate these Articles of Association and the media outlet's registration certificate.


9. Title rights

9.1. The right to the MM name belongs to the Founder. The MM logo may be registered as a trademark by the Founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


10. Consequences of a change of Founder

10.1. In the event of a change of Founder, the MM continues to operate after being re-registered in the manner prescribed by law.

10.2. In the event of reorganisation of the Founder, its rights and obligations shall be fully transferred to the legal successor. The liquidation of the Founder entails the termination of the activities of the MM, the invalidity of its Articles of Association and the registration certificate.


11. Procedure for approving and amending the Articles of Association of the Editorial Board

11.1. The Articles of Association of the Editorial Board are adopted at a meeting of the journalistic team of the Editorial Board and approved by the Founder.

11.2. Changes in the Articles of Association of the Editorial Board and amendments thereto shall be made by the Founder on its own initiative and at the suggestion of the Editorial Board. The statutes and amendments to them that affect the rights of the journalistic team shall be subject to the approval of the meeting of the journalistic team and those that relate to the status of the Editorial Board, its relationship with the Founder and those that relate to the management of the Editorial Board shall be subject to the approval of the Founder.





   Shcherbakova M.I.