

Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, “A Writer’s Diary”, Russian painting, art criticism, realism, journal “Vremya (Time)”, aesthetics, ideal, genre painting, artistic truth.
For citation:

Smyslova, O. N. “On ‘Real Truth’ and ‘Higher Truth’ in the Art Criticism of F. M. Dostoevsky.” Dva veka russkoi klassiki, vol. 3, no. 4, 2021, pp. 114–129. (In Russ.) 

Author: Olga N. Smyslova
Information about the author:

Olga N. Smyslova, PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Russian Classical Literature of Philological Department, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Malaya Pirogovskaya St., 1, 119991 Moscow, Russia.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Received: 02 June, 2021
Approved after reviewing: August 19, 2021
Published: December 25, 2021
Issue: 2021 Volume 3 No. 4
Department: Russian Literature of the 18th–19th Centuries
Pages: 114–129
UDK: 821.161.1.0


The article deals with the art reviews of F. M. Dostoevsky. Based on the analysis of the articles “Exhibition at the Academy of Arts for 1860–61” and “About the Exhibition” published in “A Writer’s Diary” for 1873, the aesthetic criteria for Dostoevsky’s assessment of genre, historical, portrait and landscape Russian painting are determined. The author of the article reveals the most important criteria outlined by Dostoevsky: the expression of the author’s ideal that distinguishes a painting from mirror reflection and photography; the artist’s independence from direction, excessive naturalness, theatricality and “excessive showiness”. Particular attention is paid to Dostoevsky’s analysis of paintings by V. N. Jacobi, V. G. Perov, V. E. Makovsky, N. G. Sсhilder, M. P. Klodt, I. E. Repin, A. I. Kuindzhi, N. N. Ge, whose work aroused genuine interest of the writer and prompted reflections on artistic truth in art. The characters of the paintings as presented by Dostoevsky come to life, acquire a “history of feelings”, a psychological appearance and a voice. The work distinguishes between such concepts used by Dostoevsky to analyze contemporary painting for the writer in the light of “realism in the highest sense”, such as “natural truth”, “real truth”, “stage truth”, “artistic truth”, “higher truth”.


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