

Keywords: Eugene Onegin, evolution of hero, spiritual values, premature old age, liberty, peace, Decembrist potential of hero, longing.
For citation:

Nikishov  Yu.  M. Eugene Onegin’s stages of evolution. Two centuries of the Russian classics, 2020, vol.  2, №  4, pp.  136–171. (In Russ.) DOI 

Author: Yuri M. Nikishov
Information about the author:

Yuri M. Nikishov,, DSc in Philology, Professor, Independent Researcher, Tver, Russia.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: September 12, 2020
Published: December 8, 2020
Issue: 2020 Volume 2 No. 4
Department: Russian literature XVIII and XIX centuries
Pages: 136-171
UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"

Abstract: The article attempts to understand the author’s attitude to the main character of the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin. For the first time, a complete picture of Onegin’s evolution is given. The author proves that the rapture of secular life is just his prehistory; that the search for self-determination of Pushkin’s hero begins with a blues (premature old age of the soul). Communication with Vladimir Lensky makes Onegin reflect on the meaning of life. The highest point of his searches is freedom and peace (at the level of interests of the circus circle). Thoughts on the Onegin’s hypothetical fate are not attempts “to complete” the novel ending, but this is a way to understand the hero more deeply. The poet himself gave an example of such hypothetical thoughts. The “Fragments from Onegin’s Journey” that violate the plot sequence, placed after the notes (end sign), with their tone create a hint in determining Onegin’s hypothetical fate.


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