

Keywords: Russian classical literature, textology, literary process, text history, history of publications, author’s will, options, editions, autographs, archival materials.
For citation:

Andreeva V. G. Textological subjects of Russian classics: actual solutions.Two centuries of the Russian classics, 2019, v o1l,. № 2, pp. 196–208. (In Russ.) DOI 10.22455/2686-7494-2019-1-2-196-208

Author: Andreeva V. G.
Information about the author:

Valeria G. Andreeva, ORCID 0000-0002-4558-3153, DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, A.M. Gorky institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25a, 121069, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: 05.11.2019
Published: 10.12.2019
Issue: 2019 Vol. 1 №2
Department: Russian literature XVIII and XIX centuries
Pages: 196-208
DOI: 10.22455/2686-7494-2019-1-2-196-208
UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"

Abstract:  The article presents a review of the collective work published at IMLI RAS and devoted to a number of textual problems. The author briefly observes the main content of the publication in general  and of each work in particular, focusing on the discoveries of textual scholars: studying the poetic heritage of M. N. Muravyov, specifying the dating and dedications of a number of A. S. Pushkin`s poems, highlighting the form and philosophical content of M. Yu. Lermontov`s poems, the publication of the full text of the early version of the novel by N. V. Gogol “Viy”, the history of the find and publication of the second tome of “Dead Souls”, the creative history of a number of works by I. S. Aksakov, N. S. Leskov, the study of  separated  scenes and themes of the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” considering handwritten materials. Particular attention in collective work is given to the story of the literary and textual work of L. D. Gromova-Opulskaya, an outstanding scientist of the 20th century. Colleagues of  L. D. Gromova-Opulskaya present a number of her ideas, the methodology of work, show valuable examples to evaluate the work of an outstanding scientist.


Badalian D. A. Kniga I. S. Aksakova “Biografiia Fedora Ivanovicha Tiutcheva”: Istoriia sozdaniia i tsenzury, rekonstruktsiia pervonachal'nogo teksta [Book of I. S. Aksakov “Biography of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev”: History of creation and censorship, reconstruction of the original text]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2 [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 261–304. (In Russ)

Belousova E. V. Povest' N. N. Tolstogo “Plastun” i ee osnovnaia khudozhestvennaia ideia – “chetyre epokhi razvitiia” glavnogo geroia [The story of N. N. Tolstoy “Plastun” and its main artistic idea – “four epochs of development” of the protagonist]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 376–424. (In Russ)

Esipov V. M. Otdel'nye problemy tekstologii poeticheskogo tvorchestva A. S. Pushkina [Some problems of the textology of poetry A. S. Pushkin]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 9–50. (In Russ)

Korovin V. I. O stikhotvorenii M. Iu. Lermontova “Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu…” [About the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov “I go out alone on the road ...”]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 88–116. (In Russ)

Nikolaeva E. V. Iz tvorcheskoi istorii “Azbuki” L. N. Tolstogo (1871–1872) [From the creative history of the Alphabet by L. N. Tolstoy (1871–1872)]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 425–439. (In Russ)

Romanova N. I. Stsena vozvrashcheniia Anny Kareninoi v Peterburg: k istorii teksta romana [The scene of the return of Anna Karenina to St. Petersburg: to the history of the text of the novel]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 440–458. (In Russ)

Shcherbakova M. I. Sluzhenie geniiu [Serving a Genius]. Ot istorii teksta k istorii literatury. Vyp. 2. [From the history of the text to the history of literature. Vol. 2]. Moscow: IMLI Publ, 2019. P. 503–531. (In Russ)