The reported study was funded by state project of The Institute of Russian literature of Russian Academy of Science (Pushkin House): “Russia and Middle East: the Historical, Political and Cultural Contacts and Interconnections” (2022).
The article focuses on the new copy of the memoir work by famous Athos monk Seleucus (Stephan Trofimov) founded at the Titov collection of manuscripts which is preserved at the Manuscript Department of the National Library of Russia. The article includes the results of paleographical, codicological and handwriting studies of Titovsky copy. It shows that this copy was a proofreading of the manuscript, which was lost. The proofreading was made not later than 1878. A selective comparison of the text of the Titovsky copy with the Athos and Troizky copies allowed the author to propose a hypothesis that Titovsky copy includes the different redaction of the text. In conclusion the author insists on a word-for-word comparison of the text of the all three copies, because the future results can change the traditional conception of the history of the work by Seleucus.
Smirnov, Ia. E. Andrei Aleksandrovich Titov (1844–1911) [Andrey Alexandrovich Titov (1844–1911)]. Iaroslavl’, Iaroslav Mudryi Publ., 2015. 70 p. (In Russ.)
Chasin, E. V. “K voprosu ob atributsii pocherka afonskogo skhimonakha Selevkiia (Trofimova)” [“On the Question of Attribution of the Handwriting of the Athos Schemamonk Seleucius (Trofimov)”]. Slovo i obraz. Voprosy izucheniia khristianskogo literaturnogo naslediia, no. 1, 2019a, pp. 115–127. (In Russ.)
Chasin, E. V. “O Troitskom i Afonskom spiskakh rukopisnogo ‘Rasskaza afonskogo pustynnika skhimonakha Selevkiia pro sebia, kak on, vyidia iz-pod Balkanskikh gor, stranstvoval po Rossii, Palestine, Afonu’.” [“About the Trinity and Athos Lists of the Handwritten ‘Story of the Athos Hermit Schemamonk Seleucius about Himself, how he, Coming out from under the Balkan Mountains, Wandered around Russia, Palestine, Athos’.”]. Rumiantsevskie chteniia – 2019: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoprakticheskoi konferentsii: v 3 ch. [Rumyantsev Readings – 2019: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 3 pt.]. St. Petersburg, Russian State Library Publ., 2019b, vol. 3, pp. 256–261. (In Russ.)
Chasin, E. V. “Troitskii spisok Vospominanii skhimonakha Selevkiia (Trofimova) o stranstviiakh po Pravoslavnomu Vostoku” [“Trinity List of Memoirs of Schemamonk Seleucius (Trofimov) about Wanderings in the Orthodox East”]. Literaturnyi protsess v Rossii XVIII–XIX vv. Svetskaia i dukhovnaia slovesnost’ [Literary Process in Russia in the 18th–19th Centuries. Secular and Spiritual Literature], issue 2. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2020, pp. 177–311. (In Russ.)