

Keywords: Russian literature, prototype, hero, character, reality, fiction, artistic image.
For citation:

Yetkin, G. B. “The Pioneering Prototype Heroes Shaping the History of Yetkin, G. B. “The Pioneering Prototype Heroes Shaping the History ofRussian Literature.” Dva veka russkoi klassiki, vol. 4, no. 4, 2022, pp. 154–183. (In English)

Author: Gülhanım B. Yetkin
Information about the author:

Gülhanım Bihter Yetkin, PhD Professor, Research Fellow, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Ordu University, 478 Mustafa Kemal Boulevard, Ordu, Altinordu, Cumhuriyet, Turkey.


Received: July 10, 2022
Approved after reviewing: September 23, 2022
Published: September 23, 2022
Issue: 2022 Volume 4 No. 4
Department: Русская литература XVIII–XIX столетий
Pages: 154–183

UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"


The article deals with the concept of a prototype and the theory of prototypes. The author of the work shows that the prototype is an effective element that unites the real and artistic worlds, an important resource that contributes to the creation of a holistic and capacious image of the character. Borrowing the qualities of the prototype, the writer equips his character with them, sometimes directly, and sometimes fictionalizing these features. The creative work produced by writers with elements of the appearance and spiritual world of real persons enables the writer to make new discoveries. The article emphasizes the significance and functions of the prototype, a lot of work has been done to identify and systematize the prototypes of various characters of Russian literature. A comprehensive representation of real faces that served as a source for the formation of their heroes by different writers, reflection of the changes in the figures of these real people from a prototype to an artistic image, make it possible to better understand the author’s train of thought, his path from the hero’s idea to the realization of his figure in the work.


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