

Keywords: memoir sources, source analysis, authorship, dating, comparative analysis, editors, Decembrists, S. P. Trubetskoy.
For citation:

Ilyin, P. V. “The Manuscript of the Memoirs of the Decembrist S. P. Trubetskoy from the Collection of Professor I. A. Shlyapkin: Attribution, Dating, Comparison with Other Editions.” Dva veka russkoi klassiki, vol. 4, no. 3, 2022, pp. 164–177. (In Russ.) 

Author: Pavel V. Ilyin
Information about the author:

Pavel V. Ilyin, PhD in History, St. Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodskaya 7, 197110 St. Petersburg, Russia.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Received: April 30, 2022
Approved after reviewing: May 27, 2022
Published: September 25, 2022
Issue: 2022 Volume 4 No. 3
Department: Textual Criticism
Pages: 164–177

UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"


The memoirs of S. P. Trubetskoy, discovered in the collection of professor I. A. Shlyapkin, are a complete memoir essay devoted to the events of the reign of Alexander I and the interregnum of 1825 and only briefly touching on the period of investigation, trial and exile, that followed the Decembrist uprising. Information about the authorship was lost and was no longer available to the founder of the collection I. A. Shlyapkin. The attribution required special research procedures and handwriting expertise. The manuscript differs significantly from the previously known editions of S. P. Trubetskoy’s memoirs in its structure and, to a large extent, in content. The textual analysis, as well as the study of the chronological indications available in the document, lead to the conclusion about the early origin of the memoir essay, at the same time the manuscript contains signs that it was based on the original version of the memoirs. A comparison of the text of the discovered manuscript and the previously known memoirs of S. P. Trubetskoy, which are a complex of different-time and unfinished manuscripts, shows the complexity of creating the text of the memoirs of this Decembrist.


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