

Keywords: travel literature, Holy Land, guidebook, hieromonk Nikodim, archival sources, pilgrimage, spiritual traditions.
For citation:

Sterlikova, S. A. “A Guide to the Holy Land by Hieromonk Nikodim. Genre Traditions and Features.” Dva veka russkoi klassiki, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, pp. 82–95. (In Russ.)

Author: Sofianina A. Sterlikova
Information about the author:

Sofianina A. Sterlikova, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: February 09, 2022
Approved after reviewing: March 26, 2022
Published: June 25, 2022
Issue: 2022 Volume 4 No. 2
Department: Russian Literature of the 18th–19th Centuries
Pages: 82-95

UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"
Publication Type: Research Article


The article presents an analysis of the manuscript from the OR RSL collection “Guide of old Jerusalem and all its environs of Egyptian Palestine in 1867.” Hieromonk Nikodim, the author of the Guidebook, created a description of his pilgrimage to Palestine, certainly taking into account the literary and spiritual traditions that had formed by that time. For the first time, the monument is presented in the context of the genre formation history, which makes it possible to indicate, on one hand, its adherence to established rules and, on the other, its innovation. This is confirmed by examples of the beginning considered in the article with an explanation of the decision to describe the pilgrimage to the shrines of Palestine; the presence in the text of practical advice, especially relevant for Orthodox pilgrims of the second half of the 1860s. Particular emphasis is placed on the desire of Fr. Nikodim to see in the guide to the Holy Land spiritual guidance, spiritual accompaniment, with which a pilgrim from Russia visits holy places, worshiping them and remembering the events of Sacred history connected with them. The sacredness of the places of worship permeates the entire narrative of the “Guidebook... ,” it also explains the nature of the pilgrimage, the difference from a banal journey in search of adventure and external impressions.



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