The article shows how Yu. N. Bartenev influenced the work of poetess A. I. Gotovtseva. Bartenev appears as a bright, multifaceted, and contradictory person. The article proves that Gotovtseva’s communication with Bartenev became one of the significant factors in her creative self-determination and artistic development. The poetic messages of Gotovtseva to Bartenev were created at different times but indicate that the mentor’s influence on the poetess has not weakened over the years. The article notes that Bartenev’s trace in Gotovtseva’s poetry is also represented in latent form. As an example of such a representation, we consider Gotovtseva’s poems, which refer to the personality and work of A. P. Khvostova, who is part of Bartenev’s closest spiritual circle (“Khvostova, the new Prometheus...” and “Fireplace”). The article demonstrates that Bartenev’s influence largely shaped Gotovtseva’s literary taste and determined the peculiarities of her axiology and poetics.
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