

Keywords: Nikolai Leskov, ekphrasis, temple composition, structure of narration, genre poetics.
For citation:

Mosaleva G. V. “The Cathedral Clergy” (“Cathedral Folk”) by Nikolai Leskov: topos of the temple and narratives // Two centuries of the Russian classics, 2020, vol. 2, № 3, pp. 222–237. (In Russ.) DOI

Author: Galina V. Mosaleva
Information about the author:

Galina V. Mosaleva, ORCID, DSc in Philology, Professor, Udmurt State University, Universitetskaya st., 426034, 1/2, Izhevsk, Russia

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: June 3, 2020
Published: September 11, 2020
Issue: 2020 Volume 2 No. 3
Department: Russian literature XVIII and XIX centuries
Pages: 222-237
UDK: 821.161.1.09"19"

Abstract: The article considers poetics and the structure of the narration of Nikolai Leskov’s novel “The Cathedral Clergy” (“Cathedral Folk”). This novel is regarded as a top artistic achievement of Nikolai Leskov. The paper reveals semantic emphasis relevant to the titles of three drafts of Nikokai Leskov’s chronicle as well as different visions of poetics of the genre of “The Cathedral Clergy” (“Cathedral Folk”). The text emphasises the dialogue between Nikolai Leskov and both secular and ecclesiastical writings and focuses on hagiographic plots and motifs, on correlations between hagiography and icon, between hagiographic, hymnographic and liturgical images. The author puts forward a hypothesis about isomorphism of the architecture of the five-domed Stargorod Cathedral and the five parts of the chronicle. The article analyses principles of Nikolai Leskov’s “temple narration” from within. The writer moves from sacral and innermost patterns to natural, historic and common images, from iconostasis to temple scenery and eventually to the soul of the protagonist. Savely Tuberozov’s “Speech” in the first part of the chronicle is associated with his “Deed” (profession of faith) in the last two “most temple and liturgical” parts. They are expected to put an end to hagiographies of the three characters with their focus on development. Nikolai Leskov’ ideal character proves to be a collegiate image struggling with personal priorities. The more collegiate this person is the more unique and symbolic he seems to be. Nikolai Leskov’s ideal images reach the level of iconographic symbolism. The paper brings up the issue of correlations one may find between Nikolai Leskov’s narration and ecclesiastical hymnography, as well as between verbal and sound images.


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