The material to be sent to the Editorial Board must be original and not previously published in other print media.

The journal accepts articles that are formatted in accordance with the journal’s rules.

The author submits all materials by e-mail:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or send to the Editorial Board via the article submission service on the journal's official site:

Research articles are accepted throughout the year and are published on a first-come, first-served basis as the editorial portfolio becomes full. Special cases with the order of publication of articles are decided by the Editor-in-Chief.

The electronic version of the article is prepared in the Microsoft Word text editor. One should send an article to the Editorial Board in the formats: *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf. It is compulsory to attach the article file in the *.pdf format. The author's name, patronymic and last name should be given as the file name in Cyrillic letters (e.g. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov).

All articles are checked for textual borrowings by the “Anti-Plagiarism” system. The editorial board accepts articles the originality of which is at least 80%.

Computer typing of the article must meet the following requirements – format A4; margins 2 centimetres on all sides; font (typeface) Times New Roman; font size 14; line spacing 1.5; paragraph indent 1.25 cm.

The minimum length of the text of an article with an abstract, keywords and bibliography is at least 20000 characters. The maximum length of the text should not exceed 80000 characters. Restrictions do not apply to scientific publications with length, exceeding the required one that is motivated by the logic of evidence and numerical indicators of the published sources.



Research Article

UDC 821.161.1

© 2021. V. V. Vladimirov

Ivanovo State University

the city of Ivanovo, Russia

Title (in bold, lower case letters)

Reference to the grant (if applicable)

Abstract: 150–170 words (1000-1200 characters including spaces).

The abstract of a research article is a brief description of the text in terms of its purpose, content, type, form and other features. It conveys the main, key idea of the text prior to reading the full text. A scientific abstract is divided into three parts:

  1. Presentation of the issue or problem the article is about.
  2. Description of the progress of the study.
  3. Conclusions: the outcomes achieved as a result of the study.

Involvement of additional information (biographical data, historical information, lyrical digressions, reasoning, etc.) is not allowed in the abstract. Overloaded compound sentences should not be used in the abstract text; the presentation should be in a scientific style.

Keywords: 7 to 10 words comma separated.

Author information: First name Patronymic Last name, academic degree, academic title, place of work (name of organisation, university), house street Name, 109383, City of Ivanovo, Russia, ORCID ID:

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date the article was submitted to the editorial board: 15.01.2021

Date of approval of the article by the reviewers: 15.05.2021

Date of the article publication: 15.09.2021

For citation: Lastname F.P. Article title // Two Centuries of the Russian Classic. 2021. Vol. 3. no 1. P. XX-XX (the pages are to be specified in the editorial)

Further, all information is to be provided in English:

open access2

This is an open access article

distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Dva veka russkoi klassiki. 2021. T. 3, № 1. S. ХХ–XX. ISSN 2686-7494

Two centuries of the Russian classics, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021, pp. XX–XX. ISSN 2686-7494

Research Article


© 2020. Vladimir V. Vladimirov

Ivanovo State University

Ivanovo, Russia

Name of the article


Abstract: 150–200 word.

Keywords: 7–10 word, separated by a comma

Acknowledgments: The study was supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research, number 11-111-11111

Information about the author: Vladimir V. Vladimirov, DSc in Philology (PhD in Philology), Professor, Ivanovo State University, Shosseynaya street, 82, 109383, Ivanovo, Russia, ORCID ID:

E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: January 15, 2021

Approved after reviewing: May 15, 2021

Published: September 15, 2021

For citation: Vladimirov, V. V. “Name of the article.” Two centuries of the Russian classics, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021, pp. XX–XX (In Russ.)

Текст статьи1 Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи2 Текст статьи Текст статьи3 Текст статьи [Анненков: 467]. Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи Текст статьи 4

The notes are page-by-page (appear at the bottom of each page)

  • Через год точно такое же доношение Радышевский адресует императору Петру II.
  • Авторство И. В. Киреевского указано П. Н. Сакулиным.
  • Волохи (влахи) – одно из восточно-романских племен; в России так чаще всего называли молдаван.
  • ИРЛИ. Ф. 234. Оп. 3. Ед. хр. 621. Л. 42–43 об.




Анненков П. В. Замечательное десятилетие. 1838–1848. Из литературных воспоминаний // Вестник Европы. 1880. Т. 2, № 4. С. 457–506.

Араго Ф. Гром и молния: Ученая записка. Изд. торг. дома С. Струговщикова, Г. Похитова, Н. Водова и К. СПб.: Тип. Академии наук, 1859. 414 с.

Гончаров И. А. Полн. собр. соч.: в 20 т. Т. 1–15. СПб.: Наука, 1997–2017.


Гуськов С. Н. Жители Луны: (комментируя «Фрегат “Палладу”») // Sub specie tolerantiae: Памяти В. А. Туниманова. СПб.: Наука, 2008. С. 545–551.

Мельник В. И. «Крупный, мыслящий и осмысливающий синтез…» (Возникновение замысла романной трилогии И. А. Гончарова) // Два века русской классики. 2020. Т. 2. № 3. С. 118–199. DOI

New, K. A. “Roman Comedy on the Russian Stage: Alexander N. Ostrovsky’s ‘There Was Not a Penny, But Suddenly Altyn and Plautus’ Aulularia.” Studia Litterarum, vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 138–159.


Gus'kov, S. N. “Zhiteli Luny: (kommentiruya ʽFregat Palladu’)” [“Inhabitants of the moon: (commenting on the «Frigate ‘Pallada’»)”]. Sub specie tolerantiae: Pamyati V. A. Tunimanova [Sub specie tolerantiae: In memory of V. A. Tunimanov]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2008, pp. 545–551. (In Russ.)

Mel'nik, V. I. “Filosofskie motivy v romane I. A. Goncharova ʽOblomov’: K voprosu o sootnoshenii ʽsocial'nogo’ i ʽnravstvennogo’ v romane” [Philosophical motives in the novel ʽOblomov’ by Ivan Goncharov: On the question of the correlation of ʽsocial’ and ʽmoral’ in the novel]. Russkaya literature, no. 3, 1982, pp. 81–99. (In Russ.)

New, K. A. “Roman Comedy on the Russian Stage: Alexander N. Ostrovsky’s ‘There Was Not a Penny, But Suddenly Altyn and Plautus’ Aulularia.” Studia Litterarum, vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 138–159.




The notes that appear at the bottom of the page are numbered with Arabic numerals (as upper indices) and, representing explanations, indications of translations etc., are allowed in the article.

Please do not confuse notes with the reference list!

Archive materials take the form of notes as well, and are not specified in the reference list.

E.g.: Институт русской литературы (ИРЛИ). Ф. 234. Оп. 4. Ед. хр. 163. Л. 13–14 об.

Bibliographic references

References in the article text shall be made to square brackets indicating the author's last name and pages. After the author's last name, the sign ":" (colon) is put; afterwards, the page number [Korovin: 187].

Book or article by one author: [Lebedev: 28], two or three authors: [Schmidt, Knyaz’kov: 52]. If there are four, five or more authors in a book, it is described under the title [Technique: 34].

For multi-volume and multi-issue editions, the volume or issue number is indicated: [Tolstoy 12: 415]; [Dictionary of Russian Folkish Patois 44: 170].

To describe a book, the first word or phrase is given under the title in the text (if the first word is a grammatical modifier) of the book title: [Undeclared War: 102].

In case there are several authors with the same last name in the reference list, you must indicate the author's last name and initials in square brackets [Merezhkovsky D. S. 3: 256].

If two or more publications by the same author are cited in the reference list, then the year of publication is given after the author's last name and afterwards, pages [Korovin 2019: 187].

Several works by the same author published in the same year are formalised by adding a letter abbreviation to the year: [Vinogradov 2017a: 185]. In this case, please make an appropriate indication in the reference list: Vinogradov I. A. Gogol and Western Slavophilism: towards the problem statement // Studia Litterarum. 2017а. No. 4. Pp. 182-207.


The bibliography follows the article. It shall be presented in alphabetical order without numbering the sources.

The Bibliography is divided into Sources of Literature followed by Investigations.

One places all fiction as well as memoirs in the Sources of Literature.

One presents scientific sources of literature in the Investigations.

First, all Russian-language sources of literature are listed in alphabetical order; after that, all foreign-language sources of literature.

The author's last name and initials are italicised in the bibliography.

A non-breaking space is placed between initials and last name, as well as between initials throughout the article, including in the bibliography. For example: Smirnov (non-breaking space)V.(non-breaking space)А.

A book by a single author

Скатов НН. Пушкин. Очерк жизни и творчества. Л.: Дет. лит., 1990. 239 с.

A book by two or three authors

Божилов И., Тотоманова А., Билярски И. Борилов синодик. София: Паблишинг компани, 2010. 386 с.

A book by four author or more

If a publication has four, five or more authors, it is described under the title, one indicating the names of the first three authors with the addition of "и др. (et al.)" behind the slash

Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования: учеб. пособие для студентов / Е. С. Полат, М. Ю. Бухаркина, М. В. Моисеева и др.; под ред. Е. С. Полат. М.: Академия, 2002. 272 с.

A book described under the title

Жизнь и приключения Максима Горького / сост. И. Груздев. М.; Л.: ГИЗ, 1926. 164 с.

A multi-volume edition

Толстой Л. Н. Полн. собр. соч.: в 90 т. М.: Худ. лит, 1928–1958.

One volume in a multi-volume publication

Белинский В. Г. Полн. собр. соч.: в 14 т. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1956. Т. 12. 596 с.

Scientific commentaries, introductory and accompanying articles on works of fiction, memoirs and so forth

Гиллельсон М. И., Мильчина В. А. Комментарии // Современник. Литературный журнал, издаваемый Александром Пушкиным. Приложение к факсимильному изданию. М.: Книга, 1987. С. 40–202.

Articles from anthologies

Панкратова Т. М. Образ семьи как механизм ее успешного функционирования // Психологическое благополучие современной семьи. Ярославль: РИО ЯГПУ, 2016. С. 119–122.

Виноградов И. А. П. В. Анненков – биограф Н. В. Гоголя // Н. В. Гоголь и его литературное окружение: Восьмые Гоголевские чтения: сб. докл. Междунар. конференции / под общ. ред. В. П. Викуловой. М.: Фестпартнер, 2009. С. 145–155.

Articles from journals

Анненков П. В. Замечательное десятилетие. 1838–1848. Из литературных воспоминаний // Вестник Европы. 1880. Т. 2, № 4. С. 457–506.

Articles from newspapers

Райцын Н. С. В окопах торговых войн // Деловой мир. 1993. 7 окт.

Reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries

Литературная энциклопедия терминов и понятий / под ред. А. Н. Николюкина. М.: НПК «Интелвак», 2003. 1600 стб.

Articles from encyclopaedias, dictionaries

Телия В. Н. Номинация // Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь / гл. ред. В. Н. Ярцева. М.: Сов. энциклопедия, 1990. С. 336–337.

Theses and theses’ abstracts

Щербакова М. И. Проза С. В. Максимова: дис. … докт. филол. наук. М., 1997. 420 с.


New K. A. Roman Comedy on the Russian Stage: Alexander N. Ostrovsky’s There Was Not a Penny, But Suddenly Altyn and Plautus’ Aulularia. Studia Litterarum, 2019, vol. 4, № 1, pp. 138–159.

Internet materials

The DOI of the publication is preferred; if there is no DOI in the article, the URL is given:

Симонова И. А. Ф. В. Чижов и А. А. Иванов. URL: (дата обращения: 27.01.2021).

Ранчин А. М. Теория «Москва – Третий Рим» и ее место в русской культуре XVI–XVIII вв. // Образовательный портал «Слово». Филология. [Б. г.]. URL: http:// (дата обращения: 27.01.2021).

The reference list shall contain at least ten scientific papers on the topic under study. The inclusion of the most recent scientific publications from the last five years as well as citations of sources in foreign languages are strongly recommended.

All fiction texts, memoirs and other works are also included in the list of references, but are placed in the Sources of Literature section. Commentaries, analytical introductions and accompanying articles to the works cited, which are involved in the work, are to be included, with the authors indicated, in the Investigations section.



After the list of references in Russian, a transliterated list of references must be provided in the article: References.

Only literary sources written in Cyrillic are transliterated; French, German, Italian, Polish and other sources are not to be translated into English or transliterated.

One needs to use a special program to perform transliteration.

Go to and select the LC position in the top right section in the list that appears under ▼. Insert the full bibliography text in Russian into the special box and click on the "В транслит (to transliterate)" button.

Then, please copy the transliterated text into the References list you are preparing.

Next, one needs to edit what is obtained and add translations into English:

– Initials and first names are separated from the last name by a comma;

– Please translate titles of investigations (monographs, journal articles, collective proceedings, etc.) into English and insert them in square brackets [  ] after the corresponding transliterated titles (whereby journal titles are not translated, only transliterated);

– Each relevant word of the title of the papers listed in English must be capitalised. Articles, prepositions and conjunctions are written with a lowercase letter;

– One should enclose the titles of articles from journals or anthologies, the title of a monograph chapter, etc. (transliterated text and translation) in inverted commas;

– please replace the "//" sign by a dot;

– please replace the "/" sign by a comma;

– please transliterate the place of publication into English (e.g. there was M. – after editing: Moscow);

– please replace the sign ":" (colon) after the name of the place of publication with a comma;

– please add Publ. after the transliteration of the publisher's name;

– if necessary, please correct page designations: 235 p. instead of 235 s.; instead of S. 45-47, pp. 45-47;

– please put the title of the journal in italics;

– one should add an indication of the original language of the article at the end of the transliterated bibliographic reference (In Russ.)

Examples of transliteration of sources

Проскурина В. Ю. Мифы империи. Литература и власть в эпоху Екатерины II. М.: НЛО, 2006. 332 с.

Proskurina, V. Iu. Mify imperii. Literatura i vlast’ v epokhu Ekateriny II [The Myths of the Empire. Literature and Power in the Era of Catherine II]. Moscow, NLO Publ., 2006. 332 p. (In Russ.)

Непомнящий B. C. Пушкин в свете очевидностей // Новый мир. 1998. № 6. С. 190–216.

Nepomniashchii, V. S. “Pushkin v svete ochevidnostei” [“Pushkin in the Light of Evident Facts”]. Novyi mir, no. 6, 1998, pp. 190–216. (In Russ.)

Методика воспитательной работы / Л. А. Байбородова, Л. К. Гребенкина, О. В. Еремкина и др.; под ред. В. А. Сластенина. М.: Академия, 2002. 144 с. 

Metodika vospitatel'noi raboty [Methodology of Educational Work],  L. A. Baiborodova, L. K. Grebenkina, O. V. Eremkina and etc., ed. by V. A. Slastenin. Moscow, Akademia Publ., 2002. 144 p. (In Russ.)

Андреева В. Г. Национальное своеобразие русского романа второй половины XIX века: дис. … д-ра. филол. наук. М., 2017. 497 с.

Andreeva, V. G. Natsional'noe svoeobrazie russkogo romana vtoroi poloviny XIX veka: dis. … d-ra. filol. nauk [National Identity of the Russian Novel of the Second Half of the 19th Century: DSc Dissertation]. Moscow, 2017. 497 p. (In Russ.)

Шеметова Т. Г. Биографический миф о Пушкине в русской литературе советского и постсоветского периодов: автореф. дис. … д-ра. филол. наук. М., 2011. 47 с.

Shemetova, T. G. Biograficheskii mif o Pushkine v russkoi literature sovetskogo i postsovetskogo periodov: avtoref. dis. … d-ra. filol. nauk [Biographical Myth of Pushkin in Russian Literature of the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods: DSc Thesis, Summary]. Moscow, 2011. 47 p. (In Russ.)

Ранчин А. М. Теория «Москва – Третий Рим» и ее место в русской культуре // Образовательный портал «Слово». URL: http:// (дата обращения: 27.08.2020).

Ranchin, A. M. “Teoriia ʽMoskva – Tretii Rim’ i ee mesto v russkoi kul'tureˮ [“The Theory ʽMoscow – Third Rome’ and its Place in Russian Cultureˮ]. Obrazovatel'nyi portal “Slovoˮ. [Educational portal “Word”]. Available at: (Accessed 27 August 2020). (In Russ.)



  1. Units are given according to the International System of Units (SI).
  2. Abbreviations like г., гг., в., вв. are used in the Russian text when indicating dates (the words "год" (year), "годы" (years) are not written in full). These abbreviations are separated from the date by nonbreaking space!
  3. Quotation marks in the text require guillemets « », in the case of quotation marks within the guillemets, then talking marks “ ” are to be used.
  4. When first mentioning the author in the text, the initials are given, then only the last name is presented. Initials are separated from the last name by nonbreaking space.
  5. What is accepted as article illustrations are figures of no more than 4. They are to be placed in the text of the article in accordance with the logic of the statement. Reference to a particular figure shall be given in the text of the article, for example: (Figure 2).

Each figure shall have a serial number, name, and explanation of all curves, numbers, letters, and other symbols. The electronic version of the figure is to be saved in the .jpg, .tiff formats (grayscale, resolution – no less than 300 dpi).

  1. Tables. Each table is provided with a sequence number and a header. Tables are to be provided in the Microsoft Word text editor, located in the article text in accordance with the logic of the presentation. The text of the article shall refer to a specific table, for example: (table 2). The table structure should be clear and specific, each value shall be in a separate row (in the table cell). All table columns are to be titled. The author shall not use tables and graphs (figures) to present the same results at the same time. (Using a smaller unit size than the main one, but at least 10, is possible in the tables.)
  2. Formulae are run strictly in the MS Equation editor.
  3. Decimal fractions have in Russian text a comma as a separator (0,78); when listing decimal fractions, one is separated from the other with a semicolon (0,12; 0,087).